Abel Cheung 9d429fa749 Abs link patch (#506)
* Fix absolute URL generation

url and baseurl config for this theme deviates from jekyll standard,
and that results in double inclusion of project path
if this theme is used as project page.

Switching to Jekyll accepted url usage so that
absolute_url filter works.

* Alternate links need to be aboslute

* mention url and baseurl only need to be modified in local dev

* Update readme on new url/baseurl setting changes
2019-06-21 03:48:52 -04:00

254 lines
6.8 KiB

# --- General options --- #
# Name of website
title: My website
# Short description of your site
description: A virtual proof that I'm awesome
# --- Local development options ---
# If your website is hosted locally rather than on GitHub, then you need to uncomment the next two parameters to set the url and baseurl
# *** If you're not sure what this mean, then leave this section as it is. Only modify the url and baseurl if you know what you're doing!***
# url is the the website domain URL without a trailing slash
#url: ""
# baseurl should be an empty string
#baseurl: ""
# --- Navigation bar options --- #
# List of links in the navigation bar
About Me: "aboutme"
- Beautiful Jekyll: ""
- Learn markdown: ""
Author's home: ""
# Image to show in the navigation bar - image must be a square (width = height)
# Remove this parameter if you don't want an image in the navbar
avatar: "/img/avatar-icon.png"
# If you want to have an image logo in the top-left corner instead of the title text,
# then specify the following parameter
# title-img: /path/to/image
# --- Background colour/image options --- #
# Personalize the colors in your website. Colour values can be any valid CSS colour
navbar-col: "#F5F5F5"
navbar-text-col: "#404040"
navbar-children-col: "#F5F5F5"
page-col: "#FFFFFF"
link-col: "#008AFF"
hover-col: "#0085A1"
footer-col: "#F5F5F5"
footer-text-col: "#777777"
footer-link-col: "#404040"
# Alternatively, the navbar, footer, and page background can be set to use background images
# instead of colour
# navbar-img: "/img/bgimage.png"
# footer-img: "/img/bgimage.png"
# page-img: "/img/bgimage.png"
# --- Footer options --- #
# Change all these values or delete the ones you don't want.
# Important: you must keep the "name" parameter, everything else you can remove
name: Some Person
# Select your active Social Network Links.
# Uncomment the links you want to show in the footer and add your information to each link.
# You can reorder the items to define the link order.
# If you want to add a new link that isn't here, you'll need to also edit the file _data/SocialNetworks.yml
rss: true
email: ""
facebook: daattali
github: daattali
twitter: daattali
# reddit: yourname
# linkedin: daattali
# xing: yourname
# stackoverflow: "3943160/daattali"
# snapchat: deanat78
# instagram: deanat78
# youtube: user/deanat78
# spotify: yourname
# telephone: +14159998888
# steam: deanat78
# twitch: yourname
# yelp: yourname
# Select which share links to show in posts
twitter: true
facebook: true
linkedin: true
# How to display the link to the website in the footer
# Remove this if you don't want a link in the footer
url-pretty: "" # eg. ""
# --- Web Statistics Section --- #
# Fill in your Google Analytics gtag.js ID to track your website using gtag
#gtag: ""
# Fill in your Google Analytics ID to track your website using GA
#google_analytics: ""
# Google Tag Manager ID
#gtm: ""
# Matomo (aka Piwik) Web statistics
# Uncomment the following section to enable Matomo. The opt-out parameter controls
# whether or not you want to allow users to opt out of tracking.
# site_id: "9"
# uri: ""
# opt-out: true
# --- Comments --- #
# Fill in your Disqus shortname (NOT the userid) if you want to support Disqus comments
# disqus: ""
# If you want to use JustComments fill with the API Key
#just-comments: "ABCD-EFGH-IJKL"
# To use Facebook Comments, fill in a Facebook App ID
# fb_comment_id: ""
# Staticman support
repository : # GitHub username/repository eg. "daattali/beautiful-jekyll"
branch : # eg. "master" If you're not using `master` branch, then you also need to update the `branch` parameter in `staticman.yml`
endpoint : # URL of your own deployment (with trailing slash) (will fallback to a public GitLab instance)
# reCaptcha for Staticman (OPTIONAL)
# If you use reCaptcha, you must also set these parameters in staticman.yml
siteKey : # Use your own site key, you need to apply for one on Google
secret : # ENCRYPT your password by going to<your-site-secret>
# --- Misc --- #
# Facebook App ID
# fb_app_id: ""
# Excerpt Word Length
# Truncates the excerpt to the specified number of words on the index page
excerpt_length: 50
# Character used to separate site title and description in HTML document title
# and RSS feed title
title-separator: "-"
# --- Don't need to touch anything below here (but you can if you want) --- #
# Output options (more information on Jekyll's site)
timezone: "America/Vancouver"
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
permalink: /:year-:month-:day-:title/
paginate: 5
input: GFM
# Default YAML values (more information on Jekyll's site)
path: ""
type: "posts"
layout: "post"
comments: true # add comments to all blog posts
social-share: true # add social media sharing buttons to all blog posts
path: "" # all files
layout: "page"
show-avatar: true
# Use tags index page and make tags on each post clickable
link-tags: true
# Exclude these files from production site
- Dockerfile
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
- Vagrantfile
# config
rooturl: '_posts'
media: 'img'
- 404.html
- feed.xml
- _config.yml
- /_layouts
- /_includes
- /css
- /img
- /js
- name: "layout"
element: "hidden"
value: "post"
- name: "title"
element: "text"
label: "Post title"
placeholder: "Title"
alterable: true
- name: "subtitle"
element: "textarea"
label: "Subtitle"
placeholder: "A description of your post."
alterable: true
- name: "date"
element: "text"
label: "Date"
help: "Enter date of post."
placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd"
alterable: true
- name: "image"
element: "text"
label: "Image"
help: "Add a thumbnail image to your post."
placeholder: "Thumbnail"
alterable: true
- name: "published"
element: "checkbox"
label: "Publish"
help: "Check to publish post, uncheck to hide."
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-sitemap
# Beautiful Jekyll / Dean Attali
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