Pete 0458bf9803 tagging options
Tags will display as plain text if a user adds tags to a post. If user
sets 'link-tags: true' in _config.yml, then Jekyll will make a new page
for each tag which lists all posts with given tag (provided the site is
not deployed through GitHub pages)
2016-07-27 17:12:30 -05:00

43 lines
983 B

layout: default
show-avatar: false
<h2 class="post_title">{{page.title}}:</h2>
<div class="posts-list">
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% for tag in post.tags %}
{% if tag == page.tag %}
<article class="post-preview">
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
<h3 class="post-title">{{ post.title }}</h3>
{% if post.subtitle %}
<h4 class="post-subtitle">
{{ post.subtitle }}
{% endif %}
<p class="post-meta">
Posted on {{ | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }}
<div class="post-entry">
{{ post.content | strip_html | xml_escape | truncatewords: 50 }}
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}" class="post-read-more">[Read&nbsp;More]</a>
<div class="blog-tags">
{% for tag in post.tags %}
<a href="/tag/{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}