Marco Blessing 599232ecec Implements CisServer connection handling (#10)
### fixes #8 

- gh deployment for dev branch removed
  - duplicate deployment.
  - see appveyor artifacts.
- installation of dependencies moved to ps function
- modularize PSGallery Deployment branch
- update platPS docs
- enable private build
- Implements ConnectionType CisServer (#9)
2017-10-23 10:53:52 +02:00

113 lines
3.9 KiB

function New-CredentialStore {
Creates a new credential store File
You need to run this script first to create a new credential store before you try to
save new credentials with New-CredentialStoreItem.
Define a location for the new shared CredentialStore. The default store will be created in
$Env:ProgramData\PSCredentialStore dir.
Creates a CredentialStore in the Shared mode. This enables you to read the CredentialStore Items on
different systems or profiles. In addition you can optionally provide a custom path wit the -Path parameter.
Use this switch to reset an existing store. The complete content will be wiped.
# Creates a new private CredentialStore
New-CredentialStore -Force
# Resets an existing private CredentialStore
New-CredentialStore -Shared
# Creates a new shared CredentialStore
New-CredentialStore -Shared -Path "C:\TMP\CredentialStore.json"
# Creates a new shared CredentialStore in the given location.
File Name : New-CredentialStore.ps1
Author : Marco Blessing -
Requires :
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Private")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Shared")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Shared")]
[string]$Path = "{0}\PSCredentialStore\CredentialStore.json" -f $env:ProgramData,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Private")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Shared")]
# Lets get the current Date in a human readable format.
$CurrentDate = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# Set latest Credential Store version
Set-Variable -Name "CSVersion" -Value "1.2.0" -Option Constant
# Set the CredentialStore path for private mode.
Write-Debug ("ParameterSetName: {0}" -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Private") {
$Path = "{0}\CredentialStore.json" -f $Env:APPDATA
# Test if in the given store already a CredentialStore exists.
Write-Verbose "Test if there is already a credential store."
if ((Test-CredentialStore -Path $Path) -and ($Force -ne $true)) {
$MessageParam = @{
Message = "The given file already exists. Use the 'Force' switch to override the existing store."
ErrorAction = "Stop"
Write-Error @MessageParam
# We need to use the IDictionary to keep the property sorting in the object.
$ObjProperties = [ordered]@{
Version = $CSVersion
Creation = $CurrentDate
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Shared") {
$ObjProperties.Type = "Shared"
# Check if a ChallengeFile already exists. We don't want to overide it.
# Otherwise previous created CredentialStores couln't be decrypted anymore.
if (-not (Test-ChallengeFile)) {
else {
$ObjProperties.Type = "Private"
# Create a new object for easy conversion into a json file
$CredentialStoreObj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $ObjProperties
try {
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $CredentialStoreObj | Out-File -FilePath $Path
catch [System.Exception] {
$_.Exception | Format-List -Force | Out-String | Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop