Marco Blessing 64af16cc08 Publish Pre-release (#1)
* adds basic module layout

* fix module manifest encoding

* fix callsign in appveyor helper

* adds challenge file related functions

* adds connection manager functions

* adds Test-ChallengeFile

* adds item related functions

* adds store related functions

* adds cSpell dictionary

* adds CredentialStore related Pester tests

* [WIP] test Pester file

* fix typo

* adds file dependencies

* [WIP] fix pester tests

* fix exception state

* [WIP] add file dependencies

* fix gitkeep filename

* set constant debug module version string

* adds Pester Tests for New-CredentialStoreItem

* adds basic readme file

* adds functions to export; adds meta data

* adds vscode debug config

* adds test for optional dependencies

* [WIP] Implements optional dependency test

* adds taskrunner definitions

* adds CBH

* add gitignore file

* adds basic Build tasks

* typo fixed

* adds build folder to ignore list

* adds Cisco and NetApp opt dependencies

* adds build task

* fix end of line dequence

* remove task.json error

* adds sources for optional modules

* enables Pester and posh-git

* prepare pre-release
2017-09-21 13:32:15 +02:00

179 lines
6.6 KiB

Define the callsign of you PowerShell Module.
Callsign is used to identity:
- Module Manifest file name
- Artifact File
- Git repository name
- Module name
$CALLSIGN = 'PSCredentialStore'
Write-Host ("Callsign is: {0}" -f $CALLSIGN) -ForegroundColor Yellow
Function Invoke-AppVeyorBumpVersion() {
Write-Host "Listing Env Vars for debugging:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Filter Results to prevent exposing secure vars.
Get-ChildItem -Path "Env:*" | Where-Object { $ -notmatch "(NuGetToken|CoverallsToken)"} | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table
Try {
$ModManifest = Get-Content -Path (".\src\{0}.psd1" -f $CALLSIGN)
$BumpedManifest = $ModManifest -replace '', $Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION
Remove-Item -Path (".\src\{0}.psd1" -f $CALLSIGN)
Out-File -FilePath (".\src\{0}.psd1" -f $CALLSIGN) -InputObject $BumpedManifest -NoClobber -Encoding utf8 -Force
Catch {
$MsgParams = @{
Message = 'Could not bump current version into module manifest.'
Category = 'Error'
Details = $_.Exception.Message
Add-AppveyorMessage @MsgParams
Throw $MsgParams.Message
Function Invoke-AppVeyorBuild() {
$MsgParams = @{
Message = 'Creating build artifacts'
Category = 'Information'
Details = 'Extracting source files and compressing them into zip file.'
Add-AppveyorMessage @MsgParams
$CompParams = @{
Path = "{0}\src\*" -f $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER
DestinationPath = "{0}\bin\{1}.zip" -f $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER, $CALLSIGN
Update = $True
Verbose = $True
Compress-Archive @CompParams
$MsgParams = @{
Message = 'Pushing artifacts'
Category = 'Information'
Details = 'Pushing artifacts to AppVeyor store.'
Add-AppveyorMessage @MsgParams
Push-AppveyorArtifact (".\bin\{0}.zip" -f $CALLSIGN)
Function Invoke-AppVeyorTests() {
$MsgParams = @{
Message = 'Starting Pester tests'
Category = 'Information'
Details = 'Now running all test found in .\tests\ dir.'
Add-AppveyorMessage @MsgParams
$testresults = Invoke-Pester -Path ".\tests\*" -ExcludeTag 'Disabled' -PassThru
ForEach ($Item in $testresults.TestResult) {
Switch ($Item.Result) {
"Passed" {
$TestParams = @{
Name = "{0}: {1}" -f $Item.Context, $Item.Name
Framework = "NUnit"
Filename = $Item.Describe
Outcome = "Passed"
Duration = $Item.Time.Milliseconds
Add-AppveyorTest @TestParams
"Failed" {
$TestParams = @{
Name = "{0}: {1}" -f $Item.Context, $Item.Name
Framework = "NUnit"
Filename = $Item.Describe
Outcome = "Failed"
Duration = $Item.Time.Milliseconds
ErrorMessage = $Item.FailureMessage
ErrorStackTrace = $Item.StackTrace
Add-AppveyorTest @TestParams
Default {
$TestParams = @{
Name = "{0}: {1}" -f $Item.Context, $Item.Name
Framework = "NUnit"
Filename = $Item.Describe
Outcome = "None"
Duration = $Item.Time.Milliseconds
ErrorMessage = $Item.FailureMessage
ErrorStackTrace = $Item.StackTrace
Add-AppveyorTest @TestParams
If ($testresults.FailedCount -gt 0) {
$MsgParams = @{
Message = 'Pester Tests failed.'
Category = 'Error'
Details = "$($testresults.FailedCount) tests failed."
Add-AppveyorMessage @MsgParams
Throw $MsgParams.Message
Function Invoke-CoverageReport() {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[String]$RepoToken = $Env:CoverallsToken
Import-Module ('.\src\{0}.psm1' -f $CALLSIGN) -Verbose -Force
$FileMap = New-PesterFileMap -SourceRoot '.\src' -PesterRoot '.\tests'
$CoverageReport = New-CoverageReport -PesterFileMap $FileMap -RepoToken $RepoToken
Write-Host "CoverageReport JSON:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$CoverageReport | Out-String | Write-Host
Publish-CoverageReport -CoverageReport $CoverageReport
Function Invoke-AppVeyorPSGallery() {
Expand-Archive -Path (".\bin\{0}.zip" -f $CALLSIGN) -DestinationPath ("C:\Users\appveyor\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\{0}\" -f $CALLSIGN) -Verbose
Import-Module -Name $CALLSIGN -Verbose -Force
Write-Host "Available Package Provider:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable
Write-Host "Available Package Sources:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Try {
Write-Host "Try to get NuGet Provider:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
Write-Host "Installing NuGet..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion '' -Force -Verbose
Import-PackageProvider NuGet -MinimumVersion '' -Force
Try {
If ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq 'master') {
Write-Host "try to publish module" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ("Callsign is: {0}" -f $CALLSIGN) -ForegroundColor Yellow
Publish-Module -Name $CALLSIGN -NuGetApiKey $env:NuGetToken -Verbose -Force
Else {
Write-Host "Skip publishing to PS Gallery because we are on $($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH) branch." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# had to remove the publish-Module statement because it would publish although the -WhatIf is given.
# Publish-Module -Name $CALLSIGN -NuGetApiKey $env:NuGetToken -Verbose -WhatIf
Catch {
$MsgParams = @{
Message = 'Could not deploy module to PSGallery.'
Category = 'Error'
Details = $_.Exception.Message
Add-AppveyorMessage @MsgParams
Throw $MsgParams.Message