Marco Blessing 64af16cc08 Publish Pre-release (#1)
* adds basic module layout

* fix module manifest encoding

* fix callsign in appveyor helper

* adds challenge file related functions

* adds connection manager functions

* adds Test-ChallengeFile

* adds item related functions

* adds store related functions

* adds cSpell dictionary

* adds CredentialStore related Pester tests

* [WIP] test Pester file

* fix typo

* adds file dependencies

* [WIP] fix pester tests

* fix exception state

* [WIP] add file dependencies

* fix gitkeep filename

* set constant debug module version string

* adds Pester Tests for New-CredentialStoreItem

* adds basic readme file

* adds functions to export; adds meta data

* adds vscode debug config

* adds test for optional dependencies

* [WIP] Implements optional dependency test

* adds taskrunner definitions

* adds CBH

* add gitignore file

* adds basic Build tasks

* typo fixed

* adds build folder to ignore list

* adds Cisco and NetApp opt dependencies

* adds build task

* fix end of line dequence

* remove task.json error

* adds sources for optional modules

* enables Pester and posh-git

* prepare pre-release
2017-09-21 13:32:15 +02:00

86 lines
2.4 KiB

function Resolve-Dependency {
Tests defined optional dependencies and returns the result as bool.
Use this function to test for optional modules. You can use it if you provide functions which needs special
modules but you don't want to make them required.
Place a file called Dependency.json in your module root dir. The default format is:
"Version": 0.1,
"Mandatory": {},
"Optional": [
"Name": "VMware",
"Modules": [
"Name": "CiscoUCS",
"Modules": []
Select the dependency item name you defined in the dependency.json.
If (-not (Resolve-Dependency -Name 'VMware')) {
Write-Error -Message ("Could not resolve the optional dependencies defined for {0}" -f 'VMware') -ErrorAction 'Stop'
File Name : ResolveDependency.ps1
Author : Marco Blessing -
Requires :
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
$ModuleRootDir = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase
$DepFilePath = Join-Path -Path $ModuleRootDir -ChildPath "Dependency.json"
if (Test-Path -Path $DepFilePath) {
$Dependency = Get-Content -Path $DepFilePath -Raw -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json
else {
Write-Warning ("Could not find the dependency file: {0}" -f $DepFilePath)
$res = @()
process {
$SelectedDependency = $Dependency.Optional | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $Name}
foreach ($Module in $SelectedDependency.Modules) {
$res += Test-Module -Name $Module
if ($res -contains $false) {
return $false
else {
return $true
end {