Marco Blessing afab3c870c
PowerShell 6 Core Support (#35)
## About
This pull request reflects all changes done in the `linuxsupport` branch.

## Content
- Enable PowerShell 6 Core support
- Use PFX Certificate for encryption ( fixes #32 )
- Updates CI / CD pipeline ( fixes #31 )
- uses portable libressl ( fixes #34 )
- adds `-PassThru` switch for returning current `VIServer` session in `Connect-To` ( fixes #34 )
- adds git lfs for embedded libressl files
- restructured internal functions into `Private` dir
- added certificate related functions
- adds travis build pipeline for tests
2019-01-16 12:55:29 +01:00

19 lines
549 B

#region module-definition
#endregion module-definition
Set-Variable -Name "CSVersion" -Value "2.0.0" -Option Constant -Scope 'Script' -ErrorAction Stop
#region dot-sourcing
# dot-sourcing all module functions. The export is handled via manifest file.
$Items = (Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '*.ps1') -Recurse ).FullName | Where-Object {
$_ -notmatch "(Classes|Init)"
foreach ($Item in $Items) {
# Write-Verbose ("dot sourcing file {0}" -f $Item)
. $Item
#endregion dot-sourcing