function Test-Module { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the given module exists on the local system. .DESCRIPTION Tests if the given module is installed on the local system. It returns a bool value as result. .PARAMETER Name Define a item name you need to test .PARAMETER Type Define the dependency type. This could be a Module or PSnapin. .PARAMETER MessagePattern You an optionally adjust the message pattern for the error message itself. The available placeholders are: - {0} : Type - {1} : Name .PARAMETER StopIfFails This switch forces the entire script to stop if the given dependency object fails. .INPUTS [None] .OUTPUTS [Bool] .EXAMPLE .\Test-Dependency -Name 'VMware.PowerCLI' -Type 'Module' .EXAMPLE .\Test-Dependency -Name 'VMware.PowerCLI' -Type 'Module' -StopIfFails .NOTES - File Name : Test-Module.ps1 - Author : Marco Blessing - - Requires : .LINK #> [OutputType([bool])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$MessagePattern = @" Could not find the required {0} called {1}. Please install the required {0} to run this function! "@, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$StopIfFails ) begin { } process { $Message = $MessagePattern -f $Type, $Name Write-Debug $Message if (Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable) { return $true } else { if ($StopIfFails) { Write-Error -Message $Message -ErrorAction Stop -Category NotInstalled } return $false } } end { } }