function Test-CSConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the connection state of a given type to the remote host. .DESCRIPTION Use this script to check a connection which was established with the `Connect-To` cmdlet. .PARAMETER RemoteHost Define the remote host you would like to check. .Parameter Type Define the connection type you would like to check. See the `Connect-To` documentation for valid type values. .INPUTS [None] .OUTPUTS [Boolean] .EXAMPLE .\Test-CMConnection -RemoteHost "" -Type VMware .NOTES File Name : Test-CSConnection.ps1 Author : Marco Blessing - Requires : .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([boolean])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$RemoteHost, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet("CiscoUcs", "FTP", "NetAppFAS", "VMware")] [string]$Type ) switch ($Type) { 'VMware' { try { $Conn = Get-Variable -Name DefaultVIServer -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] { $MsgParams = @{ Message = "There is no open PowerCLI VMware connection bound to 'DefaultVIServer'." } Write-Verbose @MsgParams return $false } if ($Conn.Value.Name -eq $RemoteHost) { if ($Conn.Value.IsConnected) { $MsgParams = @{ Message = "'DefaultVIServer' found. Connection to given remote host already established." } Write-Verbose @MsgParams return $True } else { $MsgParams = @{ Message = "'DefaultVIServer' found. RemoteHost matches but the connection is closed." } Write-Verbose @MsgParams return $false } } } "CiscoUcs" { $MsgParams = @{ ErrorAction = "Stop" Message = "CiscoUCS connection test is not implemented yet!" } Write-Error @MsgParams return $false } "FTP" { $MsgParams = @{ ErrorAction = "Stop" Message = "FTP connection test is not implemented yet!" } Write-Error @MsgParams return $false } "NetAppFAS" { $MsgParams = @{ ErrorAction = "Stop" Message = "NetAppFAS connection test is not implemented yet!" } Write-Error @MsgParams return $false } # The Default section will never be shown as long as the powershell framework isn't broken. Default { $MsgParams = @{ ErrorAction = "Stop" Message = "Panic: There is an invalid type value! This error should never be thrown." } Write-Error @MsgParams return $false } } }