Describe "New-CredentialStoreItem" { Context "Private Credential Store tests" { It "Test1: Add entry to existing private store." { # Creat a fresh CredentialStore first New-CredentialStore -Force [String]$tmp = (65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_} $tmp = $tmp.Replace(' ', '') $tmpUser = "MyUser" $tmpPwd = "fooobarysdfsfs" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $creds = [PSCredential]::new($tmpUser, $tmpPwd) New-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $tmp -Credential $creds # Had to remove the `{ } | Shoud Not Throw` because the return would be empty. $content = Get-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost $tmp $content.UserName | Should -Be "MyUser" #Cleanup Temp entry $CS = Get-CredentialStore $CS.PSObject.Properties.Remove($tmp) ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $CS | Out-File -FilePath (Get-DefaultCredentialStorePath) } } Context "Test with new shared Credential Store" { It "Test2: Create new RemoteHost entry" { # prepare test environment $tmpCS = Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath '/CredentialStore.json' New-CredentialStore -Shared -Path $tmpCS -Force $UserName = "myuser" $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "mypasswd" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password) $RemoteHost = "foobar" { New-CredentialStoreItem -Shared -Path $tmpCS -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Credential $mycreds } | Should -Not -Throw $tmpCS = Get-Content -Path $tmpCS -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $res = Get-Member -InputObject $tmpCS -Name $RemoteHost -Membertype Properties $res.Name | Should -Be $RemoteHost } It "Adds Item with identifier to shared store" { $tmpCS = Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath '/CredentialStore.json' New-CredentialStore -Shared -Path $tmpCS -Force $UserName = "myuser" $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "mypasswd" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password) $RemoteHost = "foobar2" New-CredentialStoreItem -Shared -Path $tmpCS -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Credential $mycreds -Identifier 'Foo' $writtenItem = Get-CredentialStoreItem -Shared -Path $tmpCS -RemoteHost $RemoteHost -Identifier 'Foo' ($writtenItem.UserName -eq $UserName) -and ($writtenItem.Password.Length -gt 0) | Should -Be $true } } Context "Test optional parameter lookup" { It "Test missing Credential" { function global:Get-Credential ([string]$Message) { $UserName = 'testuser' $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "mypasswd" -AsPlainText -Force return [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password) } $tmpCS = Join-Path -Path (Get-TempDir) -ChildPath '/CredentialStore.json' New-CredentialStoreItem -Path $tmpCs -Shared -RemoteHost 'foobar3' $writtenItem = Get-CredentialStoreItem -Path $tmpCS -Shared -RemoteHost 'foobar3' $writtenItem.UserName | Should -Be "testuser" Remove-Item -Path 'Function:\Get-Credential' } } Context "General Exception handling" { Mock Test-CredentialStore {return $false} It "Missing CredentialStore should throw" { { New-CredentialStoreItem -Shared -Path 'C:\missingStore.json' -RemoteHost 'notrelevant' } | Should -Throw "Could not add anything" } } Context "Testing pipeline paramter" { It "Add the item with credential value from pipe" { $UserName = 'pipeUser' $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "pipePasswd" -AsPlainText -Force { [PSCredential]::new($UserName, $Password) | New-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost 'PipeHost' } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Testing written item" { (Get-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost 'PipeHost').UserName | Should -Be 'pipeUser' } } }