# pre release version: version: 1.0.{build} #cache: #branches: # only: # - master # - dev # - debug skip_tags: true image: Visual Studio 2019 # Install pester module and init the Appveyor support. # Enable RDP connection for debugging #init: # - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) install: - ps: Import-Module .\tools\AppVeyor.psm1 - ps: Invoke-InstallDependencies environment: NuGetToken: secure: 835qfZIkC9mE7QhkYfOZVAdR8rZhPvxG8BO4CbeaelRQOhlqmaSr8G1DWRJzZ/bS CoverallsToken: secure: eTjWqHL48MBr8wp1rSgLrXHdtpfDV/uClacP3svlWJfCvn/zVokpuaMnWM5RoyIY CodeCovToken: secure: LJOvamWIlVORDE7120KcmWVkHxOFYBSN99linyICXXmXLtYm81K/31YeMGiPlgTm before_build: - ps: Invoke-AppVeyorBumpVersion build_script: - ps: Invoke-AppVeyorBuild test_script: - ps: | $CodeCoverage = Invoke-AppVeyorTests if ($null -ne $Env:CoverallsToken) { Invoke-CoverageReport -PesterCoverageReport $CodeCoverage } else { Write-Warning "No CoverallsToken found. This build seems to be triggered by a PR. Skipping this step..." } deploy: #- provider: GitHub # auth_token: # secure: M+bBX5/nKdJB0eViP7xtrLVTwf3vGDUA9N2MMprZp2i+9ZR3CBVcJnSzJWUmalhB # artifact: PSCredentialStore.zip # upload all NuGet packages to release assets # draft: true # prerelease: true # on: # branch: dev - provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: M+bBX5/nKdJB0eViP7xtrLVTwf3vGDUA9N2MMprZp2i+9ZR3CBVcJnSzJWUmalhB artifact: PSCredentialStore.zip # upload all NuGet packages to release assets draft: false prerelease: false on: branch: master # build release on master branch changes after_deploy: - ps: Invoke-AppVeyorPSGallery -OnBranch 'master' # Pause build until `lock` on desktop is deleted. #on_finish: # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))