#region HEADER $RepoRoot = (Get-GitDirectory).replace('\.git', '') $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' $sut = $sut -replace "\d{2}`_", '' $suthome = (Get-ChildItem -Path $RepoRoot -Exclude ".\tests\" -Filter $sut -Recurse).FullName # Skip try loading the source file if it doesn't exists. If ($suthome.Length -gt 0) { . $suthome } Else { Write-Warning ("Could not find source file {0}" -f $sut) } # load additional functions defined in the repository. Replace the expression . . (Get-ChildItem -Path $RepoRoot -Filter "Test-ChallengeFile.ps1" -Recurse).FullName #endregion HEADER Describe "Test-ChallengeFile" { Context "Basic input tests" { Mock Test-Path {return $true} It "No parameter with existing challenge file" { {Test-ChallengeFile} | Should -Not -Throw } It "No parameter and existing file should return true" { Test-ChallengeFile | Should -Be $true } } Context "Execute with parameter" { $TestChFile = "{0}\resources\Challenge.bin" -f $RepoRoot It "Provide valid path" { Test-ChallengeFile -Path $TestChFile | Should -Be $true } It "Provide fake path" { Test-ChallengeFile -Path "C:\notexisting.bin" | Should -Be $false } } }