# Changelog ## [v1.1.1](https://gitea.ocram85.com/OCram85/PSCredentialStore/releases/tag/v1.1.1) - 2022-10-10 * 📦 META * Adds changelog config for gitea changelog cli tool (#77) * 🐛 BUGFIXES * Fix Set-CredentialStoreItem (#76) * Fix optional module dependencies (#75) ### Contributors * [@OCram85](https://gitea.ocram85.com/OCram85) * [@pinguinfuss](https://gitea.ocram85.com/pinguinfuss) ## `v1.1.0` - (3d4f53d) adds pinguinfuss contributed fix (#73) - (6fce8d6) Updates libressl files (#71) - (ddb85d9) addChangelog (#70) - (5bdb383) updates Readme (#69) - (a95ba31) remove optional depenency helper (#68) - (1e7dd78) adds CiscoUCSCentral connection type (#67) - (b76668c) fix Test-CredentialStoreItem return (#66) - (ae62ccc) switch to GNU AGPLv3 license (#64) - (a66e824) adds community contribution for CiscoUCS connection fix (#63) - (3d90d91) fix lint (PSScriptAnalyzer) issues (#62) - (d0b7e53) adds DroneHelper (#61) - (d4b00a5) Migrates to Pester5+ tests (#59) - (e340466) update references (#60) - (88743e9) fix pester verbosity config (#58) - (c31ee79) Update issue templates (#57) - (c45490a) Update issue templates (#56) - (4abfec5) adds PR template (#55) - (7708df9) Update pwsh style to latest community standards (#52) ## `v1.0.542` - 🧙 pre migrated Gitea version