Migrates to Pester5+ tests #59

OCram85 merged 47 commits from Pester5 into master 2022-07-14 13:37:13 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit a4fa937780 - Show all commits

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@ -5,18 +5,16 @@ BeforeAll {
Describe "New-CSCertAttribute" { Describe "New-CSCertAttribute" {
Context "Basis Tests" { Context "Basis Tests" {
It "TShould not throw" { It "Should not throw" {
{ $AttribParams = @{
$AttribParams = @{ Country = 'DE'
Country = 'DE' State = 'BW'
State = 'BW' City = 'KA'
City = 'KA' Organization = 'IT'
Organization = 'IT' OrganizationalUnitName = ''
OrganizationalUnitName = '' CommonName = 'MyCert'
CommonName = 'MyCert' }
} { New-CSCertAttribute @AttribParams } | Should -Not -Throw
New-CSCertAttribute @AttribParams
} | Should -Not -Throw
} }
} }
} }