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function Find-CredentialStoreItem {
Locates a CredentialStoreItem in any CredentialStore from a given remote host item.
Find the credential object and return it as PSCredential object.
Specify the host, for which you would like to find the credentials.
.PARAMETER Identifier
Provide a custom identifier to the given remote host key. This enables you to store multiple credentials
for a single remote host entry. For example ad/sys1, ftp/sys1, sql/sys1
Influence in which types of CredentialStore this function will look for a object. List of possible types:
- All (include private and shared CredentialStore) - this is also the default.
- Private (only look in a private CredentialStore)
- Shared (only look in the shared CredentialStore)
$Credential = Find-CredentialStoreItem -RemoteHost '' -Type 'All'
$params = @{
RemoteHost = ''
Type = 'Private'
Identifier = 'PersonId'
$Credential = Find-CredentialStoreItem @params
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $RemoteHost,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $Identifier,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet('All', 'Private', 'Shared')]
[string] $Type = 'All'
begin {
# Define some defaults for the PreferenceVariables.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
$WarningPreference = 'Continue'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Construct the CredentialStore list, based on what $Type says.
switch ($Type) {
'All' {
$CredentialStoreList = @('Private', 'Shared')
'Private' {
$CredentialStoreList = @('Private')
'Shared' {
$CredentialStoreList = @('Shared')
process {
# Now go and look for the CredentialStoreItem.
foreach ($Store in $CredentialStoreList) {
# First make sure, that the CredentialStore exists. Sadly I don't have a way to solve this any better
# programmatically, as PowerShell behaves oddly, if you try and pass an empty splatting to a function.
Write-Verbose -Message ('Checking if CredentialStore of type {0} exists' -f $Store)
if ($Store -eq 'Private') {
if (-not (Test-CredentialStore)) {
Write-Warning -Message ('CredentialStore of type {0} not found, skipping ahead' -f $Store)
elseif ($Store -eq 'Shared') {
if (-not (Test-CredentialStore -Shared)) {
Write-Warning -Message ('CredentialStore of type {0} not found, skipping ahead' -f $Store)
else {
Write-Error -Message ('Invalid CredentialStore type {0} supplied' -f $Store)
# Now that we're here, means we have tested the CredentialStore for existence. We can check, if it
# contains a CredentialStoreItem that we are looking for.
$params = @{
RemoteHost = $RemoteHost
# Check if the user passed -Identifier, then we add it to the splatting.
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Identifier)) {
$params.Add('Identifier', $Identifier)
# Check the CredentialStore type we're currently looking at.
if ($Store -eq 'Shared') {
$params.Add('Shared', $true)
# Now check if the CredentialStoreItem exists
$message = 'Checking if CredentialStoreItem {0}/{1} exists in CredentialStore {2}'
$argumentlist = @($RemoteHost, $Identifier, $Store)
Write-Verbose -Message ($message -f $argumentlist)
if (Test-CredentialStoreItem @params) {
$message = 'Looking up CredentialStoreItem {0}/{1} from CredentialStore {2}'
$argumentlist = @($RemoteHost, $Identifier, $Store)
Write-Verbose -Message ($message -f $argumentlist)
try {
Write-Information -MessageData ($message -f $argumentlist)
# Read the CredentialStoreItem from the CredentialStore and store it in $CredentialObject
$CredentialObject = Get-CredentialStoreItem @params
# Now finish the loop, as we've found what we're looking for.
catch {
$_.Exception.Message | Write-Warning
$message = 'Unable to read CredentialStoreItem {0}/{1} from CredentialStore {2}'
$argumentlist = @($RemoteHost, $Identifier, $Store)
Write-Warning -Message ($message -f $argumentlist)
end {
# Only if we've found a CredentialStoreItem above, return it back to the caller.
if ($null -ne $CredentialObject) {