function Send-PRComment { <# .SYNOPSIS Sends build report as Gitea PR comment. .DESCRIPTION Send-PRComment is used to report the build details from pipeline. .PARAMETER Mode Sets the report mode. Default is 'Renew'. This mode deletes the old pr comments and creates a new onw. Also available: - 'Add' -> simply adds new pr comments. - 'Edit' -> Edits the last known pr comment. Doesn't clean old ones. .INPUTS [None]. .OUTPUTS [None] .EXAMPLE Send-PRComment Depends on Drone.IO injected environment vars. Doesn't work locally on dev systems. .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] #[OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'HelpMessage')] [ValidateSet('Add', 'Edit', 'Renew')] [string]$Mode = 'Renew', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Gitea user for drone bot')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$GiteaUser= 'drone-bot' ) begin { } process { $Repo = Get-RepoPath $Workspace = $Repo.Root Write-Debug -Message ('Workspace: {0}' -f $Workspace) $PRCommentFile = Join-Path -Path $Workspace -ChildPath 'pr_comment.log' Write-Debug -Message ('PRCommentFile: {0}' -f $PRCommentFile) $PipelineStateFile = Join-Path -Path $Workspace -ChildPath 'failure.log' Write-Debug -Message ('PipelineStateFile: {0}' -f $PipelineStateFile) Write-Debug -Message ('CUSTOM_PIPELINE_STATE: {0}' -f $Env:CUSTOM_PIPELINE_STATE) if ($Env:CUSTOM_PIPELINE_STATE -eq $true) { if (Test-Path $PipelineStateFile) { Write-Debug -Message ('Setting custom pipeline status to failed') $PipelineState = 'failed' } else { Write-Debug -Message ('Setting custom pipeline status to success') $PipelineState = 'success' } } else { Write-Debug -Message ('Setting global drone status {0}' -f $Env:DRONE_BUILD_STATUS) $PipelineState = $Env:DRONE_BUILD_STATUS } if ($Env:GITEA_BASE) { $GiteaBase = $Env:GITEA_BASE } else { $GiteaBase = '' } $APIHeaders = @{ accept = 'application/json' 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } # Can be used with POST method to add new comment. Used with GET method returns all comments. $CommentAPICall = ('{0}/api/v1/repos/{1}/{2}/issues/{3}/comments?access_token={4}' -f $GiteaBase, $Env:DRONE_REPO_OWNER, $Env:DRONE_REPO_NAME, $Env:DRONE_PULL_REQUEST, $Env:GITEA_TOKEN ) # Update Comment API endpoint: 0 - GiteaBase, 1 - Owner, 2- Repo, 3 - PR, 4 - Token # Method Delete - removes the given comment. Patch - updates the given comment. $UpdateAPICall = '{0}/api/v1/repos/{1}/{2}/issues/comments/{3}?access_token={4}' if ($Mode -eq 'Renew') { $Comments = Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get' -Headers $APIHeaders -Uri $CommentAPICall $DroneComments = $Comments | Where-Object { $_.user.login -eq $GiteaUser } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'id' Write-Debug -Message ('Found Drone comments: {0}.' -f ($DroneComments -join ', ')) foreach ($id in $DroneComments) { $ExtAPI = $UpdateAPICall -f @( $GiteaBase, $Env:DRONE_REPO_OWNER, $Env:DRONE_REPO_NAME, $id, $Env:GITEA_TOKEN ) Write-Debug -Message ('Exec API Call: {0}' -f $ExtAPI) Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Delete' -Headers $APIHeaders -Uri $ExtAPI } } if ($Mode -eq 'Edit') { $Comments = Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get' -Headers $APIHeaders -Uri $CommentAPICall $DroneComments = $Comments | Where-Object { $_.user.login -eq 'drone' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'id' Write-Debug -Message ('Found Drone comments: {0}.' -f ($DroneComments -join ', ')) $EditId = $DroneComments | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1 Write-Debug -Message ('Edit Comment with id {0}' -f $EditId) } $PRCommentHeader = ('> PR Build No. [#{0}]({1}://{2}/{3}/{4}): ``{5}``' -f $Env:DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER, $Env:DRONE_SYSTEM_PROTO, $Env:DRONE_SYSTEM_HOST, $Env:DRONE_REPO, $Env:DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER, $PipelineState ) $PRCommentHeader | Out-File -FilePath $PRCommentFile -Encoding 'utf8' $LogFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Env:LOG_FILES -File).FullName foreach ($file in $LogFiles) { if (Test-Path -Path $file) { ('#### ``{0}``' -f $file) | Out-File -FilePath $PRCommentFile -Append -Encoding 'utf8' $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $file -Raw -Encoding utf8 $fileContent | Out-File -FilePath $PRCommentFile -Append -Encoding 'utf8' [Environment]::NewLine | Out-File -FilePath $PRCommentFile -Append -Encoding 'utf8' -NoNewline } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Given file {0} not found!' -f $file) ('##### ``{0}`` not found!' -f $file) | Out-File -FilePath $PRCommentFile -Append -Encoding 'utf8' } } if ($Mode -eq 'Edit') { 'Last mod: {0}' -f (Get-Date -Format 'u') | Out-File -FilePath $PRCommentFile -Append -Encoding 'utf8' } 'end.' | Out-File -FilePath $PRCommentFile -Append -Encoding 'utf8' $PRCommentJSON = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{ Body = Get-Content -Path $PRCommentFile -Encoding utf8 -Raw } Write-Debug -Message ('PR JSON body has a size of {0} chars' -f $PRCommentJSON.length) if ($Mode -ne 'Edit') { Write-Debug -Message 'Adding new Comment.' Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Headers $APIHeaders -Uri $CommentAPICall -Body $PRCommentJSON } else { $ExtAPI = $UpdateAPICall -f @( $GiteaBase, $Env:DRONE_REPO_OWNER, $Env:DRONE_REPO_NAME, $EditId, $Env:GITEA_TOKEN ) Write-Debug -Message 'Edit last comment.' Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Patch' -Headers $APIHeaders -Uri $ExtAPI -Body $PRCommentJSON } } end { } }