function Invoke-InstallDependency { <# .SYNOPSIS Install required modules for executing the DroneHelper pipeline helpers. .DESCRIPTION This can be used in docker pipeline if the modules are not integrated in the build image. .INPUTS [None] No Input required. .OUTPUTS [None] No Output .EXAMPLE Import-Module -Name DroneHelper; Invoke-Install-Dependency #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType()] param () process { try { $PSScriptParams = @{ Name = 'PSScriptAnalyzer' Scope = 'CurrentUser' RequiredVersion = '1.20.0' Force = $true SkipPublisherCheck = $true AllowClobber = $true Verbose = $VerbosePreference ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Install-Module @PSScriptParams $PesterParams = @{ Name = 'Pester' Scope = 'CurrentUser' RequiredVersion = '5.3.1' Force = $true SkipPublisherCheck = $true AllowClobber = $true Verbose = $VerbosePreference ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Install-Module @PesterParams $PoshParams = @{ Name = 'posh-git' Scope = 'CurrentUser' RequiredVersion = '1.0.0' Force = $true SkipPublisherCheck = $true AllowClobber = $true Verbose = $VerbosePreference ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Install-Module @PoshParams } catch { $ExecParams = @{ Exception = [System.Exception]::new( 'Could not install required build dependencies!', $PSItem.Exception ) ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Write-Error @ExecParams } } }