

:hammer_and_wrench: Helper module for Drone.io based build pipelines.

Master Branch Build Status PowershellGallery Published Version

## :key: General The DroneHelper PowerShell module adds several features for `Gitea -> Drone.IO` based build pipelines. It's designed to perform all needed tasks for PowerShell Module development like: - `FileLinter` -> Runs basic FileLinter tests with console and log file output - `Linter` -> Runs PSScriptAnalyzer with embedded to custom profiles. - `UnitTest` -> Runs Pester tests including code coverage report with console and log file output. - `BuildReport` -> Takes all generated reports and reports them back as Pull Request Comment for a simplified overview. - `StateReporter` -> Marks the current pipeline run / build as failed if the previous steps also raised errors. - `DoksUpdater` -> Automatically updates the markdown based docs generated form your Comment Based Help blocks in your functions To use these features, all you have to do, is follow the `.drone.yml` template: ### `.drone.yml` Template ```yaml --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: "Build Pipeline" trigger: branch: exclude: - droneDocs/* steps: - name: "Pwsh FileLinter" image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal failure: ignore environment: EXCLUDE: "(.exe|.dll|.ico|.gitkeep)" commands: - | apt-get update apt-get install -y file - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Invoke-FileLinter }" - name: "ScriptAnalyzer" image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal failure: ignore commands: - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Install-ModuleDependency; Invoke-Linter }" - name: "Pester" image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal failure: ignore commands: - | apt-get update apt-get install -y file - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Install-ModuleDependency; Invoke-UnitTest -Verbosity 'Detailed' -ExcludeTag 'Integration' }" - name: "PRComment" image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal failure: ignore environment: GITEA_TOKEN: from_secret: GITEA_TOKEN CUSTOM_PIPELINE_STATE: true LOG_FILES: "build/*.log" commands: - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Send-PRComment }" when: event: include: - pull_request - name: "buildState" image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal commands: - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Install-ModuleDependency; Invoke-BuildState }" --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: "Publish Pipeline" depends_on: - "Build Pipeline" trigger: event: - tag steps: - name: BuildArtifacts image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal #failure: ignore commands: - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Install-ModuleDependency; Update-ModuleMeta -Verbose }" - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Install-ModuleDependency; New-BuildPackage -Verbose }" - name: GiteaRelease image: plugins/gitea-release settings: api_key: from_secret: GITEA_TOKEN base_url: https://gitea.ocram85.com files: - "bin/${DRONE_REPO_NAME}.zip" - "bin/PSModule.zip" title: "${DRONE_TAG}" note: CHANGELOG.md - name: "PublishModule" image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal #failure: ignore environment: NuGetToken: from_secret: PSGallery commands: - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Install-ModuleDependency; Invoke-Publish -Verbose }" --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: "Update Docs" depends_on: - "Build Pipeline" trigger: event: exclude: - pull_request branch: include: - master steps: - name: "Update Docs" image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-focal commands: - | pwsh -NonInteractive -c "& { Install-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Import-Module -Name 'DroneHelper' -ErrorAction 'Stop'; Install-ModuleDependency; Update-Docs -Verbose }" - name: "push commit" image: appleboy/drone-git-push settings: remote_name: origin branch: "droneDocs/${DRONE_COMMIT:0:8}" local_ref: droneDocs commit: true commit_message: "docs updated by drone [CI SKIP]" author_name: drone author_email: noreply@ocram85.com force: true ```