--- Module Name: DroneHelper Module Guid: 4293292f-eac8-42ed-8e9d-437d4f405d2c Download Help Link: {{ Update Download Link }} Help Version: {{ Please enter version of help manually (X.X.X.X) format }} Locale: en-US --- # DroneHelper Module ## Description See global [Readme file](../README.md) for usage instructions. ## DroneHelper Cmdlets ### [Get-RepoPath](Get-RepoPath.md) Updates the module manifest file fields to prepare the new build. ### [Install-ModuleDependency](Install-ModuleDependency.md) Install required modules of the module manifest file. ### [Invoke-BuildState](Invoke-BuildState.md) Sets final Drone pipeline build state. ### [Invoke-FileLinter](Invoke-FileLinter.md) Runs the file linter for all src files found in current repository. ### [Invoke-InstallDependency](Invoke-InstallDependency.md) Install required modules for executing the DroneHelper pipeline helpers. ### [Invoke-Linter](Invoke-Linter.md) Runs all PSScriptAnalyzer Rules within this repo. ### [Invoke-Publish](Invoke-Publish.md) Publishes powershell module to internal Nexus repository. ### [Invoke-UnitTest](Invoke-UnitTest.md) Runs all Pester tests within this repo. ### [Merge-ModuleRoot](Merge-ModuleRoot.md) Merges single ps1 files into one module script file. ### [New-BuildPackage](New-BuildPackage.md) Creates a new module package as compressed archive. ### [New-Docs](New-Docs.md) Creates a ne set of markdown based help in the docs folder. ### [Send-PRComment](Send-PRComment.md) Sends build report as Gitea PR comment. ### [Set-EOL](Set-EOL.md) Helper function to set the EOL sequence to LF or CRLF. ### [Test-FileBOM](Test-FileBOM.md) Tests given file if native utf8 w/o BOM is used. Returns false if BOM is present. ### [Test-FileEncoding](Test-FileEncoding.md) Returns true if the given file is written in a valid encoding ### [Test-FileEOF](Test-FileEOF.md) Returns false if EOF isn't an empty line. ### [Test-FileEOL](Test-FileEOL.md) Returns false if EOL isn't CRLF ### [Test-FileTab](Test-FileTab.md) Returns false if tab char is used in file. ### [Test-FileTailingWhitespace](Test-FileTailingWhitespace.md) Returns false if there are any tailing whitespace in lines. ### [Update-Changelog](Update-Changelog.md) Updates the changelog file with recent commits ### [Update-Docs](Update-Docs.md) Publishes powershell module to internal Nexus repository. ### [Update-ModuleMeta](Update-ModuleMeta.md) Updates the module manifest file fields to prepare the new build. ### [Write-FailureStateFile](Write-FailureStateFile.md) Writes the current pipeline step into failure log. ### [Write-ResultFile](Write-ResultFile.md) Writes the current pipeline step into failure log.