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2022-07-13 13:59:25 +02:00
function Set-EOL {
Helper function to set the EOL sequence to LF or CRLF.
Helper for changing the EOL independent to the current OS defaults.
Optional style parameter for `unix` or `win.`. Default is `unix`.
Mandatory path for target file.
[None] No pipeline input.
[DroneHelper.Repo.Path] Returns a folder structured like object with relevant full paths.s
Import-Module -Name DroneHelper; Set-EOL -Path './'
Justification = 'system state does not change permanent in temp build clients.'
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet('unix', 'win')]
[String]$Style = 'unix',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
process {
if (!(Test-Path $Path.FullName)) {
Write-Error -Message ('{0} not found!' -f $Path.FullName) -ErrorAction Stop
switch ($Style) {
'unix' {
$eol = "`n"
Write-Verbose -Message ('Reading {0}' -f $Path.FullName)
$text = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($Path.FullName) -replace "`r`n", $eol
Write-Debug -Message $text
'win' {
$eol = "`r`n"
$text = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($Path.FullName) -replace "`n", $eol
Write-Verbose -Message ("Writing back {0}" -f $Path.FullName)
[IO.File]::WriteAllText($Path.FullName, $text)