# -- Site Configuration -- # Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters. # https://jpanther.github.io/congo/docs/getting-started/ # baseURL = "https://your_domain.com/" languageCode = "en" defaultContentLanguage = "en" title = "Congo" # copyright = "Copy, _right?_ :thinking_face:" enableEmoji = true enableRobotsTXT = true summaryLength = 0 [author] # name = "Your name here" # image = "img/author.jpg" # bio = "A little bit about you" # links = [ # { email = "mailto:hello@your_domain.com" }, # { link = "https://link-to-some-website.com/" }, # { amazon = "https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/wishlist-id" }, # { apple = "https://www.apple.com" }, # { codepen = "https://codepen.io/username" }, # { dev = "https://dev.to/username" }, # { discord = "https://discord.gg/invitecode" }, # { dribbble = "https://dribbble.com/username" }, # { facebook = "https://facebook.com/username" }, # { flickr = "https://www.flickr.com/photos/username/" }, # { foursquare = "https://foursquare.com/username" }, # { github = "https://github.com/username" }, # { gitlab = "https://gitlab.com/username" }, # { google = "https://www.google.com/" }, # { instagram = "https://instagram.com/username" }, # { keybase = "https://keybase.io/username" }, # { kickstarter = "https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/username" }, # { lastfm = "https://lastfm.com/user/username" }, # { linkedin = "https://linkedin.com/in/username" }, # { mastodon = "https://mastodon.instance/@username" }, # { medium = "https://medium.com/username" }, # { microsoft = "https://www.microsoft.com/" }, # { patreon = "https://www.patreon.com/username" }, # { pinterest = "https://pinterest.com/username" }, # { reddit = "https://reddit.com/user/username" }, # { slack = "https://workspace.url/team/userid" }, # { snapchat = "https://snapchat.com/add/username" }, # { soundcloud = "https://soundcloud.com/username" }, # { steam = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/userid" }, # { telegram = "https://t.me/username" }, # { tiktok = "https://tiktok.com/@username" }, # { tumblr = "https://username.tumblr.com" }, # { twitch = "https://twitch.tv/username" }, # { twitter = "https://twitter.com/username" }, # { whatsapp = "https://wa.me/phone-number" }, # { youtube = "https://youtube.com/username" }, # ]