# Contributing to [OCram85.com](https://ocram85.com) blog ## Usage To use the sources for local development you need to install the dependencies first: ```bash npm install ``` ### How to add new posts To simplify the workflow for adding new posts you can run the npm script `new:post` with a valid path: ```bash npm run new:post -- posts/my-new-post/index.md ``` This creates a new post file an populates the values from default [template file](./archetypes/default.md) ## npm scripts ### `build` Use `npm run build` to build the html files for production. ### `check` Use `npm run check` to get the current version for the embedded hugo version. ### `clean` Use `npm run clean` to clean the _public_ content. ### `lint:markdown` Use `npm run lint:markdown` to run the markdown linter for identifying markdown issues. ### `start` Use `npm run start` as alias for `npm run server`. ### `server` Use `npm run server` to start the development server which renders also draft posts. You can access the development server via `http://localhost:1313` ### `test` Use `npm run test` all nested test tasks. For now this points to _lint:markdown_. ### `postinstall` `npm run postinstall` is used by `npm install` to get the latest embedded hugo binary version. ### `new:post` Use `npm run new:post` to create a new blog post based on the archetype template.