
🧙 Arkanum ✨ 🌌 ☄️ 💥

Code-Server container optimized for daily use. ❤

Master Branch Build Status

## :book: General The container is based on the latest `linuxserver/code-server` image. ### 🚀 Starship prompt The [Starship]( prompt is added and enabled as default. Default config uses Emojis and FiraCode icons. ### 🔱 git config Adds default git system config file with: - code-server as default editor. - disabled `aurocrlf`. - enabled plain credential store for remote. - added git log helper `lg1` + `lg2`. - enabled bash completion for git command in integrated bash terminal. > 💡 See [gitconfig-system](./gitconfig-system) for details. ### 🧙 Added `arkanum` helper script Added `arkanum` to help installing common runtime in container. This helps reducing the image size. ``` 🧙 arkanum ✨🌌☄️💥 is used to install optional runtimes for developing in a code-server container environment. Syntax: arkanum RUNTIME ... RUNTIME [dotnet|golang|nodejs|powershell] dotnet Installs latest LTS dotnet core sdk + runtime. gitea Installs gitea tools like the changelog generator. golang Installs golang 1.19.3. nodejs Installs latest NodeJs LTS version. powershell Installs latest PowerShell LTS version. --disable-motd Disables hint in new bash terminal. --install-extensions Installs predefined recommended extensions. --reset-codesetting Sets VS Code user setting with basic (Fira Code). -h Prints this help message. Example 1: arkanum dotnet Example 2: arkanum golang nodejs Example 3: arkanum --disable-motd ``` ### 📝 Fira Code (NerdFont patched) Added FiraCode as default font in editor and integrated terminal. The font files are embedded and can be used without local installation. ### VSCode default settings If your start the container or log in the first time, a default config file is deployed. This user setting defines the following stuff: - Use compact menu bar to avoid users with multiple menu bars. - Use *One Dark Pro Darker* theme - Use *vscode-icons* icon set - Set 'FiraCode' as default font in editor. - Tries to use alternate font names for FiraCode if its locally available. - Sets 'FiraCode' mono variant in terminal to enable icons used by starshop prompt. - Enables font ligatures - Enables *auto save* and *format on save*. - Disables auto update for extension. - Disables VScode telemetry - Disable confirm message for sync branches. Additionally we install these extensions on container startup: - [One Dark Pro]( theme - [vscode-icons]( icon set - [Gitlens]( ## 💳 Credits Akranum is based on the following projects and wouldn't be possible without: - [microsoft/vscode]( - Visual Studio Code, OSS. `[MIT]` - [coder/code-server]( - VSCode on a remote server, accessible through the browser. `[MIT]` - [linuxserver/docker-code-server]( - docker image based for *coder/code-server*. `[GPL-3.0]` - A huge thanks to tuanpham for sharing his [code-server font patch]( ## ⚖️ License (AGPLv3) ![AGPL]( ``` Arkanum - Code-Server container optimized for daily use. Copyright (C) 2022 "OCram85 " This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ```